Inca Trail Myths and Misleading Information

The Inca Trail is certainly one of the most amazing and beautiful trails not only in the Americas, but the world at large, where travelers can enjoy unforgettable experiences. The trail leads to several archeological sights, forest steppe, and the Peruvian jungle all of which boast impressive views. While this place is out of this world in terms of beauty, there are plenty of Inca Trail myths and misconceptions surrounding it.

Don’t Fall for These Inca Trail Myths

The following are the top five Inca trail myths:

Misconception #1: It’s Costly

For sure, traveling can be quite expensive. Nonetheless, being in Peru for around 10 days in more affordable compared to other countries by far. In this beautiful country, you certainly get value for your money. The other important thing to note in terms of money is the fact that you can never put a price on a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


Misconception #2: It’s crowded

Some people feel the Inca Trail is crowded. This is because of the different groups of travellers that are allowed to the trail. Granted, at times it might feel like the hikers are so many. If you don’t love crowds, one of the secrets to feeling comfortable is by opting for the five-day trek compared to the normal four-day trail. The former gives you more privacy compared to the latter.

Misconception #3: It’s only for active, fit, and young folks

From great-grandparents to teenagers, travelers of all ages have completed the Inca Trail successfully. However, since uphill hiking tends to be tough, tour guides recommend moderate fitness levels prior to starting the trail. The secret to be successful on the main day is to undertake adequate preparation. Make absolutely sure that, if you are bringing younger or older people, that they are very fit… they’ll need to climb two mountains!

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Misconception #4: It’s only accessible to groups

This is another myth that surrounds the Inca Trail. Actually, many prospective travelers are of the opinion that they can’t travel to Peru alone. That is not true. You can visit this amazing destination all by yourself. Traveling alone gives you all the peace you need from the hustle and bustle of life. You also have the opportunity to experience new cultures. However, remember that you will need to have a guide with you in order to make this hike. You don’t have to have a group with you, but you do need a licensed professional!

Misconception #5: It’s unsafe

Every traveler is always concerned about his or her safety. Luckily, countries that rely on tourism such as Peru appreciate this fact. The truth is that the Inca Trail is not only well-guarded, but also tourism police are available to guarantee the safety of travelers. While on the trail, authorities hold tour operators to strict safety protocols.

inca trail myths

To plan your Peru adventure and to learn more about preparing for the Inca Trail hike, get in touch with Alpaca Expeditions. Alpaca Expeditions is a Peruvian travel operator with a main office in located in Cusco, Peru, and we are the top-rated tour operators of the Inca Trail.



Our goal at Alpaca Expeditions is to create the best experience for all of our clients. We create journeys that are to be remembered for a lifetime. Journeys you can be proud of and can share with everybody around you.

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