On Sunday, August 25, we went to the community of TINKE, that town is located approximately 3 hours from the city of Cusco, we arrived at the square of that place when the 6th grade class of COLEGIO COYLLURRITY and we I was waiting in the company of his parents, we were sure it would be a great day, it was a group so happy and enthusiastic at first sight.
We embarked the bus to begin our trip, we had already explained the purpose of our little TOUR when each child started to take out his LLIQLLA for his snack that consisted of corn with cheese, and a little bottle of coca, because his parents used to send them that always, that they even invited us too, we were very satisfied; having eaten it we were already in the city of Cusco, heading to CHINCHERO which was our first stop, there the children were fascinated because the first thing they saw and that caught their attention were the multiple braids of the women, we continued to go to the archaeological center and we explained to each child the purpose of this small Inca administrative center in order, even with energies in their maximum splendor they ran to the bus to go to Ollantaytambo, that place surprised them so much by the majesty that is seen with the naked eye and even more the story that keeps inside although a little tired by the route and very hungry we went to the town of Pisac where our lunch awaited us having arrived at the restaurant we booked a buffet lunch in which our group of children repeated their dishes again and again until they were completely satisfied, without more to do we went to the archaeological center of Pisac and it was there where our guide was able to reach the children to internalize the knowledge and translate into they felt a sense of pride for their land, ending the tour was ab-out 4 o’clock in the afternoon and we were ready to return them home, in the course almost by San Salvador we saw TUNAS were small sweet fruits very rich but full of thorns, children without hesitation they asked the driver to stop to pick them up and all the children went to take the fruits to take them to their potatoes regardless of the thorns they had, apart from that they said that in their village these fruits did not grow and ate them very rarely and others almost never, having finished waiting for them and embarked on the bus we left to TINKE.
Our group of students arrived safe and sound, each father came to pick up his son and it was there that this project gained value, the grateful children gave us a warm hug and a smile that filled our souls.